Obsessive Compulsive Disorder


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Creative Living Center is here to help those who feel like their thoughts and impulses are stopping them from engaging in the things that they value. OCD,  obbsessive , compulsive disorder can be hard to identify and can have a huge effect on one's life. At Creative Living Center, we have the expertise to help you or a loved one manage and overcome obsessions. 


Characteristics of life with OCD:

Obsessions: These are thoughts or impulses that occur repeatedly and feel outside of the person’s control.

  • View of Obsessions: Individuals with OCD do not want to have these thoughts and often find them disturbing. They usually realize that these thoughts don’t make any sense. The thoughts or impulses may be accompanied by intense and uncomfortable feelings such as fear, disgust, doubt, or a feeling that things have to be done in a way that is “just right” 
  • Destructive Qualities: Obsessions are time-consuming and get in the way of important activities the person values. They are different than an obsessive personality trait because they are unwanted and uncomfortable and often counter what the normal actions of the individual would be. Obsessions come frequently and trigger extreme anxiety that gets in the way of day-to-day living

Compulsions:  These are repetitive behaviors or thoughts that a person uses to neutralize, counteract or attempt to make their obsessions go away

  • View of Compulsions: People with OCD realize that their compulsive relations are only a temporary solution but feel trapped and use them to escape. Compulsions can also include avoiding situations that trigger obsessions
  • Destructive Qualities: Compulsions are  time-consuming and get in the way of important activities the person values. A key defining point in determining if an action is that these actions are things the person would rather not have to do but are driven to engage in to escape or escape or reduce anxiety or the presence of obsessions


Common Obsessions in OCD:
  • Contamination: such as, body fluids, germs/diseases, household chemicals, dirt
  • Fear of Losing Control: Fear of harm to oneself or others, fear of violent or horrific images in one’s mind, fear of blurting out obscenities or insults, fear of stealing things
  • Fear of Causing events: Fear of being held responsible for terrible events (for example, fire or burglary) or accidentally harming others
  • Perfectionism: Obsession with exactness, fear of losing important information or useful/sentimental objects
  • Unwanted Sexual Thoughts or Images: unwanted sexual thoughts about others, obsessions about homosexuality, children, incest or sexual aggression 
  • Religious: Obsessions about offending God, and with right/wrong or morality
  • Other Obsessions: Concern with getting a physical illness not by contamination,  such as cancer, Superstitious ideas about number and colors
Common Compulsions in OCD:
  • Washing and Cleaning: Cleaning oneself excessively, an individual may clean in very particular ways. Cleaning household items or other objects excessively, voiding contact with contaminants excessively
  • Checking: Checking that one has not & will not harm other, him or herself. Making sure noting terrible has happened. Constantly checking for personal mistakes,Continually    checking parts or the physical condition of one’s body
  • Repeating:  Rewriting text, repeating routine activities (for example:  getting up or down from chairs). Coordinating & repeating  activities around number that are “good,” “right,” and “safe”. Frequent undoing or “canceling” of communication or behaviors to make it feel right, safe or good
  • Other Compulsions: Putting things in order or arranging things until they “feel right”, excessive related actions involving telling asking or confessing with the aim to get reassurance

OCD definition

What is OCD?  OCD is an anxiety disorder characterized by intrusive thoughts that produce uneasiness, anxiety, fear, or worry. The unintended "obsessions" produce repetitive behaviors aimed at reducing the associated anxiety

Is OCD Inherited?

Research shows that OCD is partly hereditary, however genes appear to be only partly responsible for OCD. It is not clear what other factors might be involved, it is possible that an illness or life stresses may induce the activity of genes associated with OCD